The problem with traffic is that it never seems you can make enough money off it to make a good profit margin.
I want to show you right now the three top ways to get more money out of the traffic you are getting to your website.
Money Strategy #1: You need to have a low priced & high value membership site in your market.
The reason for this is - if you can provide good value in your market then you can easily get your customers to pay you $19 to $29 a month offering a great membership program.
This will build and your income will grow over time - keep doing it and you will see nice profits.
Money Strategy #2: Are you promoting affiliate products to your traffic? This is what most people do when they are starting out - but that is all they do.
You need to promote affiliate products but you need to do it as a supplement and not as your main source of income.
So make sure you are promoting affiliate products to your customers as they will buy what you are selling and promoting if it is good.
Money Strategy #3: You must have a high priced backend in place.
The reason for this is - you have a good percentage of your traffic and customers who will not buy anything from you unless it is really expensive.
That is a fact! A chunk of your traffic will actually buy the most expensive stuff you have for sale & you need to provide something of value to sell to them!
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