Business & Finance Business News

Actual Magic Spells That Work Quick:


Thirty years ago, I saw a group of guys in suits standing in a circle and chanting on top of Glastonbury Tor, one of Earths great holy sites. Afterwards I inquired what they were doing and one replied that they were chanting for fiscal and company success. I was shocked. I shouldn't have been nave.

The following year I decided to leave my profession and take spiritual retreat. I resided for two years in southern Morocco, in the High Atlas Mountains thirty miles south of Marrakech. Towards the centre of this walled historical city there's a square of shops and stalls dedicated solely to magical paraphernalia and sorcery - toads eyes, bats wings, spiders webs and material that would shock you if I named them. For the stallholder the question was as clear-cut as a wine merchant inquiring whether you needed red or white wine. The stallholder wasn't asking a question that was moral. He just needed to understand what frequency the incense should vibrate. This is practical and the essential of questions when working with energies or, in another language, magic.

Sorcery and all magic is dependent on the principle that similar vibrations are attracted to each other.

So, for instance, if you radiate energy that is negative and have a negative attitude, you may put yourself in resonance with other individuals negative energy and bring it to you. Equally if you vibrate with positive energy, you will be resonant with positive energy and it too will be joined and attracted to you.

Let me give two more examples. If someone needs an attractive and intelligent partner, then that individual needs to be attractive and educated in the first place, in order to be magnetically similar. Someone vibrating with neediness will just attract someone with the same vibe. The second example is from talismanic magic. Then you pull courageous energy through appropriate items that resonate with nerve for example pictures of Mars and heroism, the metal iron, the colour red and so on, if you want to make a talisman to help you be more courageous. Using these things as tuning sticks or receptors, you then attract in the frequency of nerve.

It has been taught, usually in secret, for thousands of years. Was I engaged in white or black magic? The High Art or the Artwork that is Low? Self-Centered or generous? Love or Greed? God or the Devil?

Energy work and the law of attraction can be used to feather your private nest of materialism or it can act as a spiritual path.

As a spiritual strategy, the law of attraction is used in healing, for instance, for favorable good, in opening up to the beneficent flow of the universe and in communing with the natural world. This is true personal growth.

Monetary success and material wealth don't bring personal fulfillment. (Let me be clear. I like money and I need everyone on this planet to be clothed, fed, knowledgeable, happy, comfortable and safe.) Many rich people have been known by me, but I have never seen money reaching deep into their psychological healing. Many individuals who have lots of cash behave like selfish, offenders that are apprehensive. I do not remember any great religious teachers proposing material wealth as a path to enlightenment and love. Buddha renounced the material world and was explicit about want being the source of human anguish.

Accurate Wealth

So what's real prosperity and wealth? It's certainly the experience of being joined to the profound richness of abundance and cosmic existence boundless ingenuity. How does all the gold on world equate to the Sun's fire or the power that created our galaxy? To fully experience spirit, the Tao, God whatever you call it's part of the oceanic flow of a never-ending creative cosmic event and awareness and this amazing sensation of being associated with. Prosperity is not to do with material riches. It is a cosmic spiritual experience.

Unfortunately, some individuals who teach about the laws of attraction and cosmic arrangement have either forgotten or ignore the cosmic dimension.i?1/2 Occasionally they even show off about their material success and have the cheek to claim they are being religious or are sharing a great secret.

Worse than that, to assure material success as an alternative to lifes difficulties is morally wrong and mentally stupid.i?1/2 It is a false guarantee. Does it support anyones accurate soul calling? It may confound those who are already disorientated by the dangerous glamour of social glitter. It is black magic.i?1/2 Money isn't a substitute for love and healing.

Moreover this kind of materialist strategy is unlearned about sympathetic magic really works with spiritual development. For example, fiscal success might be positively harmful for some peoples growth their personal lesson may be to find enjoyment in poverty. In a case in this way, the law of attraction when applied to cash will surely be fail. Law of Attraction indeed looks like real magic spells that work fast

But as all of us know, the actual failure here is falling for the spell of materialism. And the actual success is in expanded consciousness and increased love. Looking for spells that really work? This is the place

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