Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

The Moon Diet Will Lose 3kg In 24 Hours

Moon diet is well known method which is said to perform detoxification of the body and achieve a reduction to 3 pounds in 24 hours.
Principles of diet mesechevata
This diet consists of a post for a period of 24 hours during the period when the moon is young. Moon diet should begin the moment the crescent begins (when the Moon passes into a new phase). The table below see exactly when a new moon in 2014. and 2015.
If more information about the Moon's menu, you can do the next link Vitiligo
What is allowed during the diet
During the lunar allowed diet is consuming only liquids, and it is best to drink plain water or herbal tea, sugar-free of course. If you find it difficult to drink only water or tea, you can add fresh juice drained from fruit or vegetables, no sugar again. Alhokolot and milk are prohibited, and any type of food. The amount of fluid you need to enter varies from person from person, and ranges between 3 and 4 liters.
If you experience strong hunger, drink a large glass of fresh juice drained.
During the diet it is desirable to be physically active. Easy exercises and movements will help in rapid detoxification.
What results can you expect
With this rapid detoxification can lose up to 3 kg, of course you comply with the rules. The one-day post, is also a good way to improve the body immunity.
What then?
The feeling of hunger usually occurs mostly during the afternoon and evening, so it is recommended this time to detach yourself and to drink extra amounts of fluid.
Also important is the day after the fast, because once the body is purified, the senses are improving so all the flavors and scents will seem more intense and compelling than usual, so you can immediately post on Coping with overeating. Therefore, the second day of the diet enter light food, boiled or baked, many salad, fresh vegetables and liquids. It recommends consuming soup and the ingredients rich in protein is recommended fish or soy.
If you are a fighter in the long run, with a slight change of habits and use of this diet for several months in a row, it's easy to get rid of excess pounds Natural Vitiligo.
Opinion of nutritionists
Moon detoksikaciska diet is a Weight Reduce that is desirable to implement and maintain weight, when we want to strengthen the immune system and when I called saturation of food. The diet should be implemented 24 hours, and certainly longer implement the diet can lead to consequences such as exhaustion of the body and must be carried out only under professional supervision.
Moon diet can be easily implemented if the person fails to deal with the expressed feeling of hunger, because it seeks to spend so much time as the other diets. Moon diet is suitable to detoxify the body and strengthen the immune system.
Moon diet is not conducive to losing more weight, and can only support a diet that includes a change of food habits and long term can lead to the desired results.
Note the experts
The implementation of lunar diet, people with kidney problems, low blood pressure and diabetes should consult with an expert.

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