Here's a fun game that was spawned some years back. Be aware that like other "homemade" pool games the rules vary slightly depending on location. Razzle has sprung up from the billiards game of Rotation, aka "Chicago", and has since spread fast, often by word of mouth among devoted players.
Razzle Pool's Appeal
Razzle is an unusual game, where you begin as an individual competitor then become (in most cases) another competitor's game partner.
Even the least skilled players could wind up on a strong team.
Razzle is further an interactive game where partners may discuss the next shot before it is played, opening a great opportunity as with Three Ball to learn and share knowledge of how to play shots, acquire position, make a key ball, etc.
How To Rack 15 Balls For Razzle
8 X
X 5 X
X 10 13 X
2 X 15 X 3
Razzle Rule Set
- The general rules of pocket billiards and Rotation are applicable.
- Three or more players (usually four players) enjoy a ring game, where you maintain an order of play through the rack, such as Player A, B, C, D and repeat with A's turn if the rack hasn't ended.
- A "per point" wager is agreed upon such as one point per "money ball".
- Each money ball is worth one point.
- Money balls are the 5-ball, 8-ball, 10-balls, 13-ball and 15-ball, five in all.
- The highest total numerical value of balls (out of 120 possible, 1+2+3...+15 for the 15-ball) is also worth one point. Say the top player scores the 10 through 15 ball for a score of 65 points, and the remaining 55 points are distributed among the other three competitors. The to player get 3 points for the 10-, 13- and 15-balls plus a bonus point for the highest score for the rack.
- Additionally, the highest scoring player collects the scratch pot at the end of the game.
- If teams tie, say two teams of two players with 60 points each, they equally split the money in the scratch pot.
- A maximum of six points may be lost per person, per game, excluding the costs for scratching.
- A maximum of 18 points can be won by a single teammate per game, plus whatever is in the scratch pot.
- A typical game with four players, two teams, ends up with each player making or losing 0, 2, 4 or 6 points in total.
- These values will become $1 less, when teams tie in point-total (60 points each).
- Pills, cards, coin flips or other means (Rocks, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock?) are used to determine the order that players shoot in. In the first game Player A breaks. In the second game Player B breaks, and this continues until 4 racks are completed for four players.
- Following any round of 4 racks any player can request the players draw again for A-B-C-D positions.
- With any shot, you must move the lowest numbered object ball. It does not have to move first, nor does it need to contact a rail, but it must move during the shot. Failure to move the lowest ball costs the player one point paid into the scratch pot. The cue ball remains exactly where it is.
- A table or cue ball scratch results in the re-spotting of any balls sunk made on that shot, and costs one point to the scratch pot. The incoming player takes ball-in-hand behind the head string.
- A player's inning continues until they miss a shot, table scratch or scratch by failing to move the lowest ball. When one's inning is complete they take their balls from the pockets, and keep them somewhere until the end of the game. When partners form, they pool their accumulated balls until the end of that rack.
- The partner ball is the 1-ball. Whoever sinks the 1-ball partners with the first other person to
sink the next highest money ball. If one person is able to run the entire rack (a rare occurrence for sure) there are no partners established for that particular game. - The game can be adapted when there are fewer or more than four players.
- A push shot, taken when the cue is frozen to a ball is a legal play.