Family & Relationships

Prep Your Kid to School

So you are all braced up for the first day. Your kid is really excited and so are you. But there are things your child should know before you let him go to school and face the real world. Here are some of the things you have to teach your kids to prepare him for school:

1. Be nice to Everyone
You have to teach him to be nice to everyone. Being shy is different from being rude. Tell him to thank the school bus driver for opening the door for him or thank the canteen lady for handing him the juice. Smile to everybody. He will be able to gain friends in no time at all if he will be the Mr. Approachable in school.

2. Share
Teach him the value of sharing. Your toddler is still at the age where he is discovering a lot of things especially the things that it is his. Let him adjust but let him know that sharing will make him likable by his classmates and friends.

3. Responsible with Things
Tell him to take care of his things at school. It is okay to play around while waiting for the school bus but make sure that all his things are properly tucked in his bag to prevent him from losing them.

4. Make Friends
They will meet a lot of people along the way but tell them that true friends are the real ones who are always on their side. At this early, they will have a hard time understanding that but eventually they will grasp the true meaning of friendship.

5. Review
You have had past lessons about ABC and 123. Now is the time to review them along with those few nursery rhymes you taught him before. It will make them feel prepared during the first day.

It will oddly be difficult for your child to go out and meet with other people aside from his own family. You never know what kind of people he will meet. Hope for the best ones. But we cannot deny that there are bullies or bad influence guys at school. Just be confident that your child would still choose the company of those that will make him grow as a better person. It is also important to be always around when your child needs your attention and love. Toddler years are the stage when children demands more of parent's time because they are still discovering a lot about themselves. Sometimes it could be very confusing for them because the littlest negative thing could drive a friend away but as a parent, it is important to always remind him to go for the better.

School is a big world for him. It might be confusing especially when he is at the stage where he is only meeting friends. But when parents made sure that he is armed with positive things and absolute discipline, any child could be confident that he is ready to face the world and do better for his future.

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