Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

The Best Vitamins and Minerals to Prevent Hair Loss and Regain Lost Hair Successfully

Do you know which vitamins or minerals can help you curtail hair loss? If you want to recapture your lost hair, then you need to know what nutrients are necessary for healthy scalp to promote hair regrowth.
For those of you who want to see a healthy volume of hair on your head again, make sure you try to increase the intake of the following vitamins and minerals in your diet.
Vitamins The first vitamin is Vitamin A.
This fat soluble nutrient can be found in food sources such as sweet potato, carrot, broccoli, cheese, spinach or leafy vegetables.
Vitamin A plays a key role Vitamin B are crucial for the support and maintenance of hair, skin and nails.
It can promote and enhance your body immune system against bacteria and infections.
Vitamin B7 or Biotin is helpful towards maintaining healthy hair follicles and growth.
You can typically find biotin in food sources such as onions, cucumber, cabbage and eggs.
A recommended daily intake for a normal adult age 19 to 70 years old is about 30 ug/day.
Minerals There are many minerals that has been proven to aid hair regrowth.
One of the reasons is because copper can facilitate blood circulation to the scalp area.
It shows great effectiveness in stimulate the hair follicles to produce new hair cells.
As a matter of fact, many pharmaceutical companies are adding copper elements to their hair loss products to help hair grow faster.
Another mineral you should watch out for is Zinc.
This nutrient is able to inhibit hair losses by retarding the buildup of DHT.
A deficiency of Zinc can cause a chemical enzyme called (Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha) to be released.
This enzyme can cause damage to the body and hair.
Hence, make sure you take enough load of zinc each day.
You can find zinc in food sources such as oysters, meats or wheat germ.

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