More than a decade has gone by since the use of the cell phone became universal, and yet many people still seem to be oblivious to the fact that there are rules of etiquette surrounding its use. The modern need to be in touch with all people 24/7 through a cellular device has grown enormously; meanwhile we ignore the human being right in front of us. Times change, but some cell phone rules don’t. Here is a short, common sense guide to cell phone etiquette. Among the most annoying habits of rude cell phone users are talking too loudly and holding inappropriate conversations in public. For some strange reason, people feel the need to raise their voices while on their cell phones although the phone’s microphone is entirely adequate to amplify and carry their voices. Personal cell phone conversations should be kept personal, so offer to call the person back and find a more private place where your discussion won’t intrude upon others. Places to avoid with cell phone use are libraries, elevators, houses of worship, bank lines and commuter trains and buses. Abruptly interrupting face to face conversations or other interpersonal activities to answer your cell phone is another big no-no. How would you feel to stand around waiting while your date, friend or family member initiated a long cell phone chat with someone else on your time? Always turn your cell phone off or put it on silent vibrate when going to the movies or to live performances such as plays, concerts, comedy clubs, etc. A ringing cell phone or conversation during a performance is disrespectful not only to the audience around you, but to the performers, particularly at live events. Special mention should go to loud and annoying ring tones for incoming calls. A window of three subsequent rings is sufficient before the call goes to voicemail, and not everyone may be amused by your cell phone’s Darth Vader ring tone, especially if it goes on too long. Texting or dialing while driving is not only rude, it’s dangerous. If that cell phone communication is all important, make sure you’re on hands free or have pulled over while behind the wheel. According to a Harvard University study, 200 deaths and over half a million injuries are caused each year by improper, inconsiderate cell phone use. But there are other social blunders associated with cell phone etiquette that are on the opposite end of the spectrum. Almost everyone screens a call they should otherwise answer. Sometimes screening is necessary, but you must answer a call now and then, or you might become very unpopular. While replying to a missed call with a text is acceptable, it’s a clear sign that you can’t – or don’t want to talk. Leave voicemail messages that are short and to the point, and, as importantly, make sure your own cell phone’s personal greeting is equally considerate of your caller’s time.