The tips on how to save money are easy to use. In fact, there are no complications involved. Patience and persistence are needed, sure, but no special education or knowledge is required.
- Do not put your computer in "standby" mode. Instead, shut it down. Do same with the monitor. While the power consumption in standby mode is little, it still adds up over the year. Same applies to all electronic appliances.
- Take shower instead of bath. This will lower water bills tremendously. Also, use the possibilities to take shower outside home. For me, with two weekly visits to a swimming pool, it's easy and natural.
- If you do not plan to buy anything, then do not take cash when leaving home. If you have no cash in the purse or pocket, you can't spend it. Sounds simple and works great.
- Have your parents open a savings account for you. Depending on the financial institution, your starting deposit can be as low as 1 dollar. Not much, right? But with due attitude and dedication, you'll start making a small fortune pretty quickly.
- Pay yourself first. Set aside part of your income for savings, before spending anything. When give allowance or any unexpected sum of money, take out 10% of it and save. Make a habit of spending less than you get. It will help to pave the way for financially prosperous future.
- Set goals that appeal to you. Decide what you want -- a multimedia computer or a bike? Perhaps your parents will add some 10% of the sum. When you want something badly, saving is easier.
- Plan major purchases ahead. Same applies to parties. Wait at least a week or so before purchasing. Chances are, you will change your mind or the price will drop. In both cases, you win.
- Monthly allowance will teach you to save and spend wise. When you have to cover a month of expenses, the temptation to spend half of the allowance at once won't seize you.
- Keep a checkbook. It's an old-fashioned method to put down records of all money received and spent. Doing so helps teens know where they stand financially. Analyzing your records over the month you'll discover where you could spend less, or when you bought something you didn't really need.
- Get a piggy bank for a change. Use only dollar bills when paying. When the year is over, you'll have a lump some of saved money to make Christmas gifts.
By saving money teens learn patience and persistence. Every teen who embraces even one of these habits is well on his or her way to financial stability. It doesn't really matter how many of these tips you try to use. Start with just one, and when mastered enough, get to another. Saving money is what makes teens financially aware for the adult life.
Head over to tips that will help you teaching teens to save money.