This strange, hairy little fruit may not be much to look at, but in terms of nutrition, it punches way above its own weight. The benefits of kiwifruit are found in its high levels of vitamins, minerals and other health promoting compounds - which can help you - feel terrific.
Ongoing research regularly reveals new discoveries about the health benefits of kiwifruit, when eaten as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle.
Although the outer skin is unattractive, the inside is a complete contrast. Once sliced in half the emerald green flesh is revealed, contrasting beautifully with a white centre speckled with black seeds. A perfectly ripe kiwifruit has a creamy like consistency, and the taste is often compared to a tangy strawberry flavour.
The kiwifruit is very versatile and can be eaten on its own or added to a summer salad. My personal choice is to simply slice it into small chunks and mix it in with Greek yoghurt. I can't believe how something so healthy, can taste so delicious!
As well as its unique taste the kiwifruit contains high levels of vitamin C. This vitamin has antioxidant properties, which mean they can neutralise free radicals. Free radicals or rogue cells that damage our healthy cells. Vitamin C also helps to strength our immune system, which prevents these free radicals from causing a variety of diseases.
Rich In Health Promoting Polynutrients
Another benefit of the kiwifruit, includes its high polynutrient content. Medical Research has found that polynutrients contained within the kiwifruit, could play an important role in the protection of our DNA. Your DNA is basically the building blocks of the human body. If these become exposed to damage, they will increase the risk of degenerate diseases, such as arthritis.
If you have a history of heart trouble or cardiovascular disease then, you probably know the importance of eating a healthy low fat diet. Did you also know, that the kiwifruit can improve your cardiovascular health? Believe it or not, this little fruit can help prevent the blood from clotting. As I'm sure you're aware, the risk of a heart attack or stroke increases, if your blood is prone to clotting. Tests have shown that people who eat kiwifruit every day, can reduce their levels of triglycerides (fat in your blood).
The kiwifruit is a good source of prebiotics and soluble fibre. These two components help promote a healthy digestion. Prebiotics promote the growth of good bacteria, while soluble fibre ensures your bowel movements are regular.
How To Choose The Best Kiwifruit
If what you've just learnt, has you itching to go out and buy a box of kiwifruit, then hold on. There is a knack to choosing the best ones for eating. The good news is you can enjoy the benefits of kiwifruit all year round. The Californian varieties are available in the shops between November and May, while the native New Zealand variety is available between June and October.
If you want to eat the fruit on the same day, then it needs to be ripe. You can check this by holding the fruit between your forefingers and thumb and press gently. The softer it is the sweeter the fruit will be. Unripe kiwifruit are hard, but they are a wonderful fruit to ripen at home.
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