We've all had those days when a grey cloud is raining on our heads (figuratively that is.
) Anxiety, depression, grief, worry, stress, lack of direction, insomnia; there's sometimes so much negativity in life that you just want to cuddle up alone and cry.
This is why we've come up with five simple steps that although are often overlooked, will give a momentous and a positive turn to your life.
1-Smile Surprised? A simple smile can make your day great as well as for those you meet on the way.
When you smile, there is a good chance that your mood will change for the better.
And not only will it change your mood, it will help lighten others as well.
As well as looking darn good attractive, smiling relieves stress and tension preventing one from looking tired and worn.
2-Keep a check on your posture and what you wear Though you've heard it a thousand times, posture really does affect the way you look and the way you feel.
Walking hunched or stooped reflects sadness, tiredness and loneliness.
Stand up straight and take a deep breath and you will feel an immediate improvement.
Dress up smartly and elegantly every time, looking fresh and pretty.
When you look good you feel good! 3-Drink water.
Lots and lots of water! Water is the best medicine ever.
It helps to perk up your digestive system, skin, memory and energy levels bringing a healthy and fresh glow to your body.
Top it with eating nutrient filled fruits, nuts, and vegetables.
4-Give gratitude Be thankful for all you have.
Whether it's for your family, friends, pets, home, food, money, your garden, the fresh air or the beauty around you, show appreciation and contentment.
Express gratitude out loud and set up a positive aura around yourself, and you'll be sure to attract more positive things in your life.
5-Reward yourself and others Treat yourself and others to something new and nice every time; regular rewards to keep you motivated and positive.
Often when you help bring happiness and laughter for others, it immediately seeps into your life as well.
So go get a friend or two and have a small chit chat, hang with your neighbor and talk about gardening techniques or call up your parents and share some stories.
Following these tips will bring a change, although it might be small or perhaps be big too, but it will always be there, all around you.
Feel great!
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