With the dawn of internet and new technologies we see a huge growth in number of websites online every month.
In last 10 years the number of total websites online doubled that is it showed a 100% growth.
This can be said as the biggest growth in any other field of business.
The reason behind such a rapid increase in number of websites is the use of websites for making your business online.
An online business means you earn might earn more money because by using internet as your business communication you actually reach the people globally.
One more reason behind such rapid increase in number of websites online is the technology through which websites were being made became easier day by day.
Even a teenager got into the business of website making and started making own websites just to show himself online.
Such need of websites gave birth to a concept of website builder software.
Website builder software is a program or an application which is used to build website without getting into the coding or technical aspects of it.
You choose some common options, you put a selectable template design and voila you are ready to go with your business site online.
This ease of making website gave evolve to a new class of websites which came out as easier to make and easier to afford by many Ontrepreneurs (Online entrepreneurs).
The concept is to use application software to build websites.
Such websites work as a web host and web page creation tool at the same time.
It is done by signing up on such a site which is offering such application software online.
You submit your sign up forms and activate a script on the host site that automatically generates your web pages based on the data you entered.
If you are a person who doesn't want to hire a person to build your website and you are not capable enough of deigning your own website then you can obviously use this service provided that the hosting company is offering it.
Almost all major hosting companies offer this website builder software in their hosting packages.
With all those reasons if you are looking for a business site you can always use the option of online website builder.
There are hosting like GeoCities PLUS, which offers extra storage for a $10 setup fee plus a $4.
95 per month hosting fee, or GeoCities PRO, which offers your own domain and e-mail for a $15 setup fee plus $8.
95 per month.
But that's just an example you can choose a website builder of your own choice according to your needs.
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