Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

Leaflet Distribution - Vernon Purcell

Leaflet Distribution is probable the best media available in today's advertising world. It can be put through someone's door and within an hour you can have customers calling you to perform the services you offered. Most small business get their leaflets printed normally about 5,000 at first then they put on their trainers and go out delivering usually with his partner and children, which is how most people start. Then they quickly get through the first 5,000, so they order more now after they receive some calls from the first batch of leaflet distribution they quickly do some sums. They work out that they received 25 call and booked 19 jobs, now there minds starts doing overtime, so they order 20,00 because the cost has dropped from £47.00 for 5,000 to £116.00 for 20,000 which is a massive saving about 60% saving Now their business should be about to take off, but as this happens one of the partners has to start doing some of this work that is coming in and leaving the other partner to carry on the leaflet distribution. Soon after a few weeks the leaflet distribution, gets difficult as one partner is doing the work and the other partner is taking the call, and doing the leaflet distribution.

Then the inevitable happens they go to find a company to do their leaflet distribution. they call a number of leaflet distribution companies The ask how much it is to do 20,000 a week, most leaflet distribution companies will quote something between £20.00 and £27.00. They quickly calculate 20,000 at £27.00 is £540 that's great so they order another 20,000 ship them down to the leaflet distribution company. Almost all distribution companies will require payment in advance for leaflet distribution.

Now this is when leaflet distribution normally goes wrong. The companies who have a large area that they cover normally have people that they deliver the leaflets to and they deliver them in there spare time, which is ok if they are done but because they are given a week to do them in back checking is hard to do, one because if the distributor does them on the first day, and they are back checked 6 days later the homeowner could have had over 60 other leaflets delivered with at least 2 free news papers delivered. Now can the home actually really remember if they had your leaflet delivered or not, so since they had some many leaflets delivered, they would normally say yes. So back checks are really pretty unless, unless done on the day the leaflet distribution takes place.

Now there are other leaflet distribution methods. Free newspapers, these are pretty good at delivery, but just like the above method, they have draw backs. When you deliver all your leaflets to the newspapers warehouse in boxes of 5,000 or normally 10,000 they have to be divided you into each round for the newspaper delivery person, now some papers have over 100,000 home to deliver to get the exact number of leaflets for each round and making sure that number of leaflets got to the correct person is going to be a mammoth task. So they are put into bundles of about 300 but if their round is 260 then you get 40 wasted per round now this would amount to 15,000 not delivered. Now next you have to look through the paper to see where they need paper boys or paper girls, when you see the areas they need people in this is because hat person has left, now your leaflets distribution is not going to be done in these areas because they have no one there to do them, to work out

how much of your leaflet distribution is going to be missed out is almost uncheck able, but some will be missed out period. Together with newspaper delivery people just do doing there Now you are then faced with another segment of your leaflet delivery campaign. Home owners that put on there doors no free newspapers, no leaflets, no circulars on them. In Balham London SW12 I calculated that 38% of homes had this on their doors. Now combine 38% that have no free newspapers and the 25% never get to the distributor in the first place, we are looking at 63% no delivery. When you look at your true cost of the none delivered leaflets and the cost of printing the true cost is outrageous, many people cannot sustain these cost, and because they cannot find anyone to do it properly they stop leaflet distribution altogether. As now the cost is not £25-£27.00 but more like £54.00

Now we have been in this situation ourselves, we went down the route of having small teams and supervisors, this worked 4 times better, but still we have some people through them away or claim to have done more than they actually did do. Out of four teams the team with the lowest percentage or call back was doing the most throwing awayso we still looked at ways to improve our didtribution.

Over the years on we have got sophisticated with technology, we now employ two different types of supervision and they both work great. First we use video recording, we have developed a video recorder that can record for up to 10 hours, so mow we can actually see the work being carried out, then we combine this with geo mapping a device that records there movement on our mapping system this plots them every 5 seconds walking up the garden paths and we get all the road names from our mapping system

Now if you are having problems with your distribution please visit our site, first check that we are not already distributing a company the same as your, if we are not get in on the ground floor, and get the benefits your company deserves. Remer you can sit back relax, knowing you are in safe hands

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