Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

How to Cite a Book With No Author or Editor Using Harvard Style

    How to Cite a Book With No Author or Editor Using Harvard Style

    • 1). List the title of the book. The title should be in italics. If your word processor will not support italics, then you will need to use an underscore to indicate that the title should be underlined. You do not need to follow this title with a period as is common in many formats. Use the first significant word of the title to place the book appropriately in the alphabetical list. For example, if your book is called "Letting Go of Flying," then it would be in the "L" section of the bibliography and should look, so far, like this:_Letting Go of Flying_

    • 2). Follow the title with the year of publication and a comma. This information is usually available on the inside of the front cover of the book, or on a title page. For example, if the reference text was published in 1990, then your citation should now look like this:_Letting Go of Flying_ 1990,

    • 3). Add the publisher's name and another comma. If the book does not have an author, you may also have trouble finding other information such as the publisher. If this happens, use the internet to search for the publisher. You can do this by entering the title of the work in a search engine. If the book was published by International Publishing, then your citation should, at this point, look like this: _Letting Go of Flying_ 1990, International Publishing,

    • 4). Finish with the city where the book was published and a period. For example, if your book was published in Boca Raton, Florida, then your finished citation should read: _Letting Go of Flying_ 1990, International Publishing, Boca Raton.

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