As explained in before posting on the Variety genre of Dangdut, that music dangdut have a musical instrument similar to that of other genres like Pop, Rock, Reggae etc. There are consist drumkit, guitar, bass guitar piano must available and as major instrument. In dangdut, still coupled with musical instrument to another who is a traditional music. A musical instrument was kettledrum and bamboo flute that are characteristic/typical Instrument of music Dangdut.
Kettledrum (Kendang/Gendang) also a lot of manifold. Of the wide variety of drumkettle used as a musical instrument typical dangdut, for model equal tabla used by musicians India. It's emit sound or noise.."tak.." and "dut" while played. A musical instrument that is one distinguish from other genres and is typical main dangdut.
While Bamboo Flute used in Dangdut that unlike the flute on orchestra or others. However it is almost the same as the Bamboo Flute used by Indian Musician, Arabian Musician, Japanese Musician, Chinese Musician etc. Mainly derived from the bamboo. Distinguishing by flute is the sum of the number of holes and Bamboo Flute used in a song. Because of that, it only takes six fingers for playing with it. While the flute need 10 fingers for playing with it. Likewise many Bamboo Flute used in a song. In dangdut, to one song can require more than one Bamboo Flute that different of key tone (one bamboo flute is one key tone), while flute just one course.
Main instruments in dangdut it consists of a bamboo flute kettledrum; drum set, piano / keyboard, guitar, bass guitar and tambourine. By playing the main instruments, it's produce a rhythm dangdut there.
It can still couples, as with other instrument the violin the saxophone, trumpeter, tympanic and others.
Of various tools the musical instrument which become the unique characteristics of dangdut musical flute and the eardrum. Meanwhile, other instrument like a piano guitar, set, drum a tambourine can be played for all genre of music. These basic differences on a musical instrument played.
Thus music dangdut is most flexible, because it can combined with having an instrument of other genres same. For a genre of the international any rock-dut, there pop-dut, ska-dut, dut, the cha-cha disco-dut, dangdut remix, while for traditional genre of music areas, namely campursari, langgam, keroncong, jaipong, tarling dut, banyuwangi, and dangdut koplo. Genre called last currently being trend in indonesia. Dangdut koplo is the combination of indonesian traditional music ( tarling ) with dangdut basic.
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