Society & Culture & Entertainment Society & Culture Misc

Can I Trust Scientists, Researchers, or Scientific Publications - Never Again

As we grow up we are trained to submit to authority, and believe what we are told.
Unfortunately we are fed a bunch of lies from the time we are children.
In many Christian families the parents tell the kids that Santa Claus will bring them toys if they are good, we know that is poppycock.
When we go to school our teacher explains history, and we memorize all the dates and events.
When we grow up we realize that much of what we were taught is utter hokum.
As we grow to be adults we trust our leaders such as our president, the U.
Congress, our judges, the presidents of corporations, and the clergy of the Church.
Unfortunately, we quickly learned that much of what comes out of these folks' mouths is just more manipulation, yet they have the nerve to call it leadership.
For those of us that go to a university to get a degree we trust our professors, we trust academia, we trust our researchers and scientists.
In fact we trust them more than our grade school teachers, the leadership of our church, and our politicians combined.
Many students in college trust them more than their own parents even.
Unfortunately, now we see that the scientists, researchers and most of the summaries concerning these folks' research is not entirely correct.
Yes, I guess "Global Warming" is perhaps the most recent example, and biggest proof of what I'm saying in the present period.
Personally, I will never trust these folks again in my life - scientists, researchers or Scientific Publications because I realize they are no better than other human beings and they are more interested in their careers and collecting research money than giving us the straight goods.
And I'm not just talking about the global warming sham, I'm also talking about the research put forth by Big Pharma, or the political research put out by so-called NGOs which claimed to be nonpolitical.
There is nothing nonpolitical about any university which gets government funding, corporate funding, or money from nonprofit groups which are all political by nature.
Please understand that my commentary here today is not one of bitterness, or anger, I am merely putting words onto paper from my personal observations, experiences, and firsthand knowledge of events over the last 35 years.
If for some reason you still trust the system, there is a book that I would like you to read; "The Craft of Political Research" (Sixth Edition) by W Phillips Shively, Prentice-Hall publishers, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2005, 176 pages, ISBN: 0-13-117440-1.
Indeed, I hate to break it to you but in this lifetime the best policy is to trust no one.
Please consider all this and think on it.
If you are a scientist, researcher, or a member of academia and you'd like to defend yourself from the comments herein you may e-mail me with your questions, concerns, or further points of contention, but make sure you are prepared - I am!

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