Health & Medical Mental Health

How to Develop an Engaging Personality

    • 1). Listen to what others have to say. Most people enjoy talking about their lives and themselves, so become more interested and you will seem more interesting. Make everyone you speak to feel important. Look them directly in the eyes and ask them questions or comment on what they have just told you, instead of just waiting for your turn to talk about yourself.

    • 2). Form opinions on everything. Watch the news, read books, and pay attention. If you don't know about a particular topic, research it and form an opinion on it. People like to be around others who can carry on conversations about lots of things.

    • 3). Look for the humor in every situation. A sense of humor can work wonders for a dull personality, so laugh as often as you can and you'll be a more naturally engaging person. Laughter also alleviates stress, and when you feel better, you're more fun to be around.

    • 4). Accept and love yourself and others. When you dislike yourself and your personality, other people pick up on this, and they may assume they shouldn't like you, either. Search for the best in yourself and everyone else. Judge other people less as well; gossip and speaking poorly of others can seem like good short-term entertainment, but in the long run it can make you seem dull and untrustworthy.

    • 5). Visualize yourself being the fascinating person you want to be. Vividly imagine your engaging personality shining through in every situation you encounter in your daily routine. Your brain will begin to see these situations as reality, and you'll subconsciously begin to develop the engaging personality traits you want.

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