The Doggie Casserole is a great dog food recipe for those looking for a quick way to add the right amount of nutrients to their dog's diet that they are not getting via commercial dog food.
This will allow you to feed your dog natural dog food but not make you have to give up the benefits of kibble.
Kibble provides your pup with a way to chew and clean his teeth.
Some dogs will not chew on toys or bones as a way to maintain proper mouth care, so kibble can provide them with this experience.
You will be able to add the nutritional benefits of a natural dog food to your dog's routine without compromising him in other areas.
For this recipe you will need: o 2 cups of chopped boiled chicken o 1 cup of cooked brown rice o 1 cup of mixed vegetables o ½ cup of unsalted chicken broth The first step in making Doggie Casserole is to boil your chicken very well to be sure it is cooked all the way through first.
Once the chicken has thoroughly cooled, you will want to cut it into small chunks.
Cook your brown rice as directed on the stove top and boil your vegetables as well.
Once all of your ingredients are prepared, mix them together in a sauce pan with the chicken broth and bring to a boil and then remove from the heat.
Allow your meal to cool and then serve with kibble at room temperature.
The rest can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days or frozen for longer.
Always be sure to store this in serving size portions that are size appropriate for your pup.
If you are unsure at how much you should feed your dog, ask your Veterinarian.
Supplementing your dog's diet is very important when you are using a commercial kibble.
The Doggie Casserole is a simple meal alternative that allows you to give your pup the proper amount of fresh food he needs to stay happy and healthy.
Commercial dog food alone does not provide this type of healthy nutrition and this is why supplementing can truly benefit your dog more than you realize.
Each day you can feed your pup the proper amount of dry commercial dog food and add the warmed Doggie Casserole to it.
You will want to give him less dry food as you are adding the mixture as a supplement.
Your casserole has a higher level of nutrition, so he will need less kibble.
This will allow you to save money and give your pup all the things he needs to be healthy and happy for the rest of his days.
This dish can also be served alone for dogs who are not dry food lovers, but it is best to add a vitamin supplement if you plan to feed alone.
Also, for dogs that do not prefer dry foods, you need to offer chew toys or bones for proper tooth health.
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