Things You'll Need
1Moisten both sides of the exposed veneer with water. This is done to soften the veneer so that you will be able to bend it without it splitting or cracking. Being very careful, lift the portion of the veneer that is curling away from the wood beneath. Lift as far as you can without breaking it.
Spread a good amount of white glue over the exposed core wood beneath the veneer, making sure it is spread evenly. Make sure the glue is spread to the spot where the veneer joins with the core wood.
Clamp the veneer securely back to the wood core beneath and use wax paper to protect the clamps from any glue that oozes out. Don't be afraid to use enough clamps to make sure the veneer adheres to the core. Place some extra blocks of wood as additional pressure.
Use the knife or razor blade to slit open any bubbles that may pop up in the veneer. Use the glue injection to very carefully place glue under bubbles or wrinkles. Place a piece of wax paper over the area that has been glued and clamp it so that it remains flat.
Use a sharp chisel to scrape away excess glue that may have dried on the surface. After the glue has dried, delicately sand the repaired area and any places where the glue may have been scraped. Apply a matching veneer finish in the spots you sanded and feather the new finish into the old finish.