Health & Medical Mental Health

How to Prevent Backaches Using a Balance Ball

    • 1). Purchase a ball based on your height. There are three sizes: small, medium and large. Check the label on the box for the appropriate size for you.

    • 2). Stretch it out, then inflate it. Most come with a foot pump of some type and a bike pump can also be used. Inflate the ball so that you can depress only an inch or two to begin. After using it for a few days, you may need to add a bit more air as the material will stretch from your weight on the ball.

    • 3). Do the first exercise. Start out with a slow forward roll on your stomach. Keep your hands in front of you and roll forward only until your hands are flat on the floor, then come down to starting position. Do this exercise slowly, stopping when you feel your vertebrae "pop," which tells you that you are putting the desired space back between them.

    • 4). Try the second exercise, a backward roll. Begin on your back with your shoulder blades pressing into the ball. Slowly roll backward onto the ball as far as you can, keeping your feet flat on the floor. Stay in that position as long as comfortable. Come forward as far down as you can comfortably go and repeat, check your body for pain or pressure in the knees. If your knees feel strained, you are coming down too far.

    • 5). The last exercise is a simple crunch. Strengthening the stomach muscles aids in holding the back straight and steady. Crunches on a balance ball are much easier to perform than crunches on the floor. Start with your back on the ball and the bottom of your shoulder blades just touching the ball. Put your hands behind your head, your elbows out to the side and raise up using your stomach muscles to pull you up, not your head and neck. Crunch up until your torso is raised to a 45-degree angle and tighten your abs. Relax back, keeping your stomach muscles tightened. When you are fully reclined, release your muscles and start the cycle again. Do this for at least 20 crunches. Week by week, add 5 more crunches until you’ve reached 100.

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