Our minds can take control over us so much that we are so disconnected to our hearts.
What we see around us, to what we think is expected of us and what we get told growing up such as to do well in education and you will get a good job.
We can be so influenced by what we think is best but not what we feel is better for us.
What if we don't know what we want or we working doing what we think is best in our situation but have no purpose? How can we find what is our purpose and what our passion is in life? 1) You need to strip it all back and explore what excites you inside.
Connect to your feelings and see what makes you feel excited and makes your heart race so much you want to do what you love right now.
If you took away job roles and you could make up a job of your dreams what would you like to do on a day to day basis.
2) Make a list of what you enjoy and love to do that you don't clock watch doing.
What qualities doesn't that bring out of you? Does it bring out your creative side? logic side? organised side? caring side? sharing side? and many other sides that you have that makes you unique.
3) Draw a mind map and put all these qualities you have and things you enjoy and in the middle of all that in the centre bubble make up a name that is personal to you.
Or it can be a phrase that wraps up what you want to achieve.
4) If you struggle getting ideas bounce of ideas with a close friend or partner that knows you well.
It's sometimes good to get ideas out from talking than trying to come up with the ideas yourself.
I surely find this works for me as I enjoy talking.
5) Explore if there is a such job that covers your qualities and things you enjoy a lot.
If not or you are happy to have a challenge why not create the job yourself and work for yourself and make your passion a reality.
I sure didn't get told about the jobs I did and got asked what made me excited but sometimes if we take some time out and take a step back from our current situation the answers can be right in front of you and have been there all the time.
Sometimes being in our head too much can take us away from what actually is good for us and can give us a better, brighter future.
Allow yourself to explore, discover and most of all get excited about life again.
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