The most reliable security set up to monitor your home and business in this present time, is the surveillance security network. However, in setting up surveillance security, there are basic fundamental questions you must ask yourself. These are, the rational for setting it up and the different options available to you.
These are some of the questions you must ask yourself:
⢠What type of camera should I use?
⢠What storage facility should I use?
⢠How should I view my surveillance security network?
⢠Should I use wired or wireless cameras?
The eyes of the surveillance security system is the camera, and it should be deployed in critical areas to capture the relevant video. There are two basic principles of camera deployment, these are the chokepoint and the assets. By chokepoint I mean areas where people or vehicles pass to enter a certain area like doorways, driveway, hallway, packing spots, cash register and lobbies.
The definition of assets in this article is relative to the needs and priorities of the company. Basically, there are two types of cameras, the fixed camera and the camera that can be manipulated, such as pan, tilt, zoom in or zoom out etc. Most cameras used for surveillance security are fixed and they are designed to cover wider field of view.
Usually they are installed in locations that cannot be reached easily. Most of them are colored with infrared lenses. It is easier to identify a criminal with color camera if the need arise. They can only produce black and white images at night time and in very low light.
Before now it was common to see people use standard definition cameras with 3 megapixel (mp) but surveillance cameras can provide up to 16 megapixel (mp). In fact, the trend today in surveillance network is the shift from analog to digital camera. Digital cameras are designed to view and record on computer and DVR.
It is quite possible to mix and match a number of camera types these days. You can deploy a digital infrared fix camera, analog camera and a fixed IP camera all together in one setup to monitor different locations of your home or organization.
Irabor Mark is a chief science technologist and head of audio visual unit, the department of biomedical communication centre, college of medicine, university of Ibadan
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