In ancient time all the process was depended upon man power. In ancient times no machinery was present or introduce so number of people work to complete a particular task. After some years as the time changes day by day new machinery were introduced. Major equipment tools were launched, which resulted in betterment of people working. It required less man power and less human efforts after these tools was introduced. In the field of equipment"s and tools many companies were opened and made these tools and equipment. Different companies manufacture numbers of different type of machines, which result in good quality of at different cost. Cost can be higher or lower depending upon the product features and quality.
What is fly brick making machines?
Making a house requires number of products, tools and machines. But one of most important part to make a house, buildings, towers etc is brick. A brick is a solid thing which is used one after the other to finish any wall of the room, buildings, offices etc. It is available in different sizes. One of the famous and demanding machines for making brick is called as fly ash brick making machine. The machines are used to make bricks in large quantity. The machine is made up of iron and solid steel. The fly ash brick making machine requires some raw material such as fly ash, lime oxides, sludge in the formation of a brick. The fly ash brick making machine can manufacture different type of brick sizes from small to large. The dimension of the brick is quite different. It uses hydraulic pressure in the machine. The capacity of brick is different that is depend upon the capacity of the machines. The machine can produce up to 1500 to 2000 brick per hour.
Different type of fly brick making machine:
There are two different types of machines available for Fly Ash Brick Making Machine that is fully automatic and another one is semi-automatic machine. The fully automatic machine can handle high load in the terms of tones. It can handle up-to 39 tones. The power motor is up to 10 H.P. The overall weight of the machine is 2500 kg which is quiet large.
Another type is called as semi-automatic machine. The semi-automatic machine has less capacity as compared to fully automatic machine. It has capacity to produces 800 to 1000 bricks per hour. It can handle less weight that is up to a level of 30 tones. The motor power is 10 H.P which is same as fully automatic machine. The gross weight of the machine is 2000 kg. Both the machine types have mixed feed with manual transmission control.
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