Intro It's actually a very simple concept to understand what autopilot income is.
Most of society makes what's called "linear income".
You clock into work, clock out and get paid for how many hours you've worked in a day.
Every two weeks your boss hands you a check for the amount of hours you put in.
You then go home, pay the bills, eat a sandwich, go to bed and return to work the next day for more.
You repeat this cycle for the next 40 to 50 years and never quit.
This is quite convenient as long as you have a job.
But that's the problem.
It's convenient.
That's why most of us get comfortable and never really seek out how to really make more money or find out what autopilot income is.
So Why NOT a Job? There's a lot of things right, but more wrong about having just a job or "linear income".
First of all, in order to make money, you have to give up your time.
You basically sell your time for dollars.
Prepare to miss your kids' soccer games, birthday dinners, and other important events on a regular basis.
Another problem is that there's only 24 hours a day.
This means there's a limit to how much you can make, no matter what your hourly-rate is.
Then you have a boss.
Who truly likes someone looking over your shoulder, or telling you what to do? Then there's the job-security issue.
You never know if you're going to have that job forever.
You can get fired, laid-off, there could be an M&A, and much more.
You never know.
How to Make A Lot of Money Autopilot income is how the wealthy make money.
The way to do this is by owning an asset, someone or something, that works hard for you.
You make money 24 hours a day, 7 days a week because it's not you who's doing the work.
It something you OWN that works hard FOR you.
You have complete ownership and control.
One example of autopilot income is through a money-making website.
You can find a few good keywords and build an affiliate marketing business(website) around a profitable niche.
For example: Lets say your website sells subscriptions to web hosting each month.
Each subscriber pays $10 a month to you.
So, if you get 10 sign ups, that's $100 per month.
Lets say you get 200 sign-ups.
That's $2,000 per month.
Now your website attracts a lot of visitors and you now have 1,000 subscribers.
You're now making $10,000 without doing anything! Why? Because you're website and the content on it is doing all the selling.
It's on the internet 24/7 and you don't have to be interacting with customers.
That's called autopilot income.
Income that flies into your bank account, by itself! There's no limit to how many websites you want.
You can form as many auto pilot income streams as you like and become mega wealthy.
Those are the principles the rich and free live by.
They don't do anything for a living.
They live to do anything.
The best part is, you can build an internet asset with part-time effort.
Generate Autopilot Income Now One of the biggest mistakes people make when learning about how to generate automated income, is NOT getting started.
Hesitation and procrastination is public enemy number one in most cases.
The key to success, especially in making money online, is consistent action.
If you don't have an asset/website to work with, you're going to make $0.
It's that simple.
That's why it's so important to find out how YOU can start building autopilot income from home right away.
There are a few good programs out there with provided training, support, direction and everything you need to start generating an income almost immediately.