Health & Medical Women's Health

Treating Yeast Infection With the Candida Diet: The Three Stages

Candida is the yeast organism that causes yeast infection.
Yeast infection is characterized by nasty symptoms such as itching, burning, discharge, pain when urinating, and even pain while having sexual intercourse.
Who would ever want to afflict themselves with these symptoms? Many have found cures and remedies, only to find themselves with twice the pain after several months.
Some have found drugs that bring instant, but temporarily relief.
Yet, only a handful has found a way to say goodbye to this wicked condition permanently by treating yeast infection with the Candida diet.
The Candida diet composes of three stages: the first stage mainly involves the removal of certain foods and cleansing the body; the second stage comprises of treatments to heal and get rid of the Candida, as well as to reintroduce foods; and lastly, for preventive measures, in the third stage bad bacteria, in the right amounts, are placed back into the body.
It is crucial to avoid potential triggers for candida when treating yeast infection with the Candida diet.
It entails a full lifestyle change.
It is also necessary to consider other possible causes such as prolonged use of antibiotics, oral contraceptives, smoking, and stress just to name a few.
Some of the possible causes may be controlled, and some may not.
The hardest part is Stage One.
As with other diets, the toughest part is the first step.
But with determination and discipline, as well as having the end in mind, most will find that treating yeast infection with the Candida diet is a way of life and will not require any trips to the drug store.

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