Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Believe It or Not - These Pregnancy Old Wives Tales Really Happened!

To believe or not to believe...
that is the question.
For most, old wives tales hard not to believe, especially for me.
As parents, we want to do everything right, to ensure that our children have the best outcome for their future.
Being a good parent means being thorough, knowledgeable and dedicated; even if that includes following an old wives tale now and again.
For first-time parents to-be, old wives tales may as well be true fact.
I mean hey - who are they to know otherwise yet? Well, let's just separate fact from fiction now then, and get these old wives tales out in the open now to avoid confusion later.
Unfortunately most of these old wives tales are fictional.
In fact truth-be-known, most old wives tales are even unsafe and outright unhealthy, I mean for today's politically correct standards that is.
So, let's clear the air now then - shall we? Great! Here we go...
If you place a pair of scissors AND a Bible underneath your child's pillow while they sleep, this will ward off evil spirits and PREVENT harm.
Yes, prevent harm.
The reason behind this is that a haunter (namely a witch) has to stop and count whatever comes before her, and the scissors (a sharp object and were typically made of silver or brass back in the day) can catch her skin.
(But remember, safety first) 2.
It may not be specifically linked to genetics after all if you happen to have a bad bout of acne breakout during your pregnancy.
It just means you're having a Baby Girl! After all, what's your body supposed to do with all that extra progesterone anyway? 3.
Desperate Fathers determined to have a male offspring - Listen Up! During the Middles Ages, fathers who wished to have a baby boy believed that if they REMOVED their left testicle entirely, this would solve their having a baby girl dilemma.
This is of course made sense to fathers back in the Middle Ages because obviously the left testicle produced female sperm and the right produced male sperm.
And I mean, why chance it, right? So there you have it - consider yourself educated and warned at the same time.
As our human species evolves, science disproves some very imaginative old wives tales and replaces them with, well what else - drugs.
Actually, there are many holistic methods that exist today that probably help you determine the sex of a baby before conception.
In the days to come who knows, old wives tales may very well just end up adopting or may have already, adopted some of those holistic methods for their own.
But you never really know until you try them, do you? Do you know of an old wives tale that repetitively becomes true? If so, maybe it's not an old wives tale after all.
Maybe then it's just...

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