If like me, you have a hobby or an interest that you would really like to share with others then perhaps you should consider writing a E-book.
These short books are easy to write and are available on the Internet for a few dollars per download.
This makes them a great alternative to the printed book and can make you a good deal of money without having to spend any.
To begin you need to have something to write about that you think people will want to read.
For me that was the easiest part, I am a very active player of online games, in particular World of Warcraft.
This led me to want to teach people all the secrets to making the most gold in the shortest time.
What better way than to write it in an e-book that they can download for a few dollars.
I have actually found this to be very profitable; there are 11 million players of this particular game, which makes for a large customer base.
Now that you have your idea you need the software to write and publish your book.
There are several "free" programs available to create your eBook such as Ghostscript, that are good enough to get you started.
When you get some money coming in you will want to purchase a copy of Adobe Acrobat, as it is the easiest and most accepted form of eBook.
How do you make money now that you have written your book? There are many ways to get your book out there on the web.
If you have your own website or blog this is definitely a good way to get your book out there, simply advertise it and provide a link for the download.
There are places on the Internet that specialize in selling eBooks, one of the most popular is Clickbank, they specialize in selling downloadable information.
There are also companies out there that are looking for ghost writers, you write the information and they create the eBook and publish it under their name.
You will not get the credit for the book, but you will get paid a set fee up front for the book.
This is actually a great way to get started since you do not have to buy any software up front.
I got my start in eBooks this way and now I have my own software and publish them myself.
The great thing about writing eBooks is they are available for download until you take them off the web, so you will continue to get residual payments on them long after they have been written.
This can make them a steady source of income, for months to come.
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