Whats the question that many women anticipate for from their beau? Its that question that can lead to their subsequent union: Will you marry me? They cant wait for that day when the man they love go on down on his knee and pop that crucial question. And what does the man hold in his hand when asking this question? That small black box containing the engagement ring.
For married couples, theres another type of ring that the husband gives to his wife as a symbol of his never-ending love an eternity ring. As the same suggests, its the husbands way of professing his eternal love for his inamorata. The ring is usually given on a significant date, like the anniversary of their marriage or engagement. This type of ring is typically made of gold, although today, theres a lot made from silver. The band is set with a line of cut gemstones around it. These gemstones are usually cut identically, with most rings containing diamonds as the gemstones studding the band.
If youre celebrating your anniversary soon and are planning to give your wife an eternity ring to profess your unending love and devotion to her, here are some ways you can give it with some element of drama and/or excitement:
Present it with flowers If diamonds are a girls best friend, flowers will always be adored by them. Therefore, combining a diamond-studded ring with a bouquet of roses, for example, will surely earn you more romance points with your woman. It would tell her that you really care about the things that melt her heart, so this will surely make her happy and fulfilled.
Put it in a box of chocolates These sweet treats appeal to practically all people, especially women. Whether or not your woman has a sweet tooth, shell surely love to have a box of chocolates. What you can do is take out one piece of chocolate from the box and replace it with the eternity ring youll give her (you can check eternity ring on this site). Imagine her surprise once she opens that box and finds out that along with those sweet delights, theres also that symbolic band that shows your own brand of sweetness.
Wrap it around a bottle of wine Adding an element of surprise when presenting something always makes the presentation more exciting and fun to watch. Another way of presenting the ring is by giving it to her together with a bottle of her favorite wine. You can take a golden string and thread it through the ring then tie it around the wine bottle. Make sure youre presenting the bottle with the side where the ring is doesnt face her. Once she turns it around, shell be astonished to find the ring dangling on it.
Put it in a cake Another way of presenting the ring is by embedding it in a cake. For this, make sure the ring is encased in its box so theres no piece of the cake that would get on it. You need to coordinate with the baker of the cake so he can embed the ring box safely and securely in the cake.
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