When I first started my business on the internet I created my web site and had my sales page on the first page.
Now very few people actually bought from me.
After analyzing what was happening I realized that only one out of a hundred people would buy.
This is actually a good statistic if you consider that for many web sites only one out of six or seven hundred people will actually buy.
I soon realized that I needed to create a high converting squeeze page to capture my visitors details and follow up.
Statistically speaking most sales are only made after the seventh contact.
Initially when I first started capturing my subscribers details I did this with a popup that could not be blocked.
If you sign up for an autoresponder service like Getresponse they allow you to generate javascript code on their site that creates a popup that cannot be blocked by popup blockers.
I implemented this and was getting a five to ten percent conversion.
Not bad, but the results were nothing to get excited about.
I soon realized that I needed to create a high converting squeeze page that would get me an opt in rate of forty to fifty percent.
Initially I designed my squeeze page where the visitor can enter his details to download a free report.
I was only getting a ten to twenty percent conversion.
By testing and tracking my results I was able to get a forty to fifty percent conversion.
I did this by tweaking my advertising copy, making sure that pages load quickly and changing the layout to be appealing to the eye.
Once you have created a high converting squeeze page you will definitely notice an impact in your business.
Not only will you build trust and credibility with your subscribers, but you will also be able to make sales from multiple backend offers.