The Renegade Network Marketer is a totally new strategy which was created by Ann Seig, who is an expert network marketer. As the name suggests, this marketing strategy is completely extraordinary that it even has the capability to give your network marketing view a 360 degree turn!
What's It All About?
The concept beats away all other marketing strategies that were used by the older generation, which were regarded to be effective. The Renegade Network Marketer even asks you to throw away your existing leads list; smoulder your prospects names, which you may have purchased from professed marketing gurus; and lastly, stop wasting your time attending meetings, which doesn't really work.
The Renegade Network Marketer approach is perfect for those who do not want their friends and families to get involved in their marketing ring. Why? Because most experts in the field would suggest you to start out from recruiting people that you know, such as your family and friends, to try out your new marketing skills. The idea in this conventional method is that if you can't recruit people you know it would follow that you don't have the ability to recruit others. To think about it, this lone idea makes network marketing an alarming business for many.
However, the Renegade Network Marketer attempts to revolutionize that. With this tactic, you don't need to bug your friends and family with sales promotion regarding the business opportunities you offer. You could simply give them the break that they deserve and simply allow yourselves to have an enjoyable good conversation which is extremely far from any business topic.
What More Can You Learn From It?
This strategy also teaches you not to hound people or prospects, whom you know would not care less regarding your proposed business opportunity you are offering. If conventional marketing techniques would ask you to be persistent until you get a yes answer, this marketing strategy would teach you otherwise. It actually teaches you a very tricky strategy on how things would work the other way around, meaning people would be the ones coming for you.
It focuses more on things that really work and not those that obviously do not even make a small difference on your income. Looking at the big picture, the biggest problem with conventional strategies is actually teaching too much of positive thinking instead of teaching the appropriate concepts. Thus, this strategy strives to change that.
This strategy believes that in regards to downline building, conventional marketers always bark on the wrong tree and are always doing unessential things. Worst of all, they're instructed to do so by their leaders, which is the exact reason why most people fail with internet marketing. Sadly, people are fed with the ineffective strategies and wrong techniques, which result to frustration on the business.
The Solution
The Renegade Network Marketer tries to solve this problem by suggesting that you make prospects but don't seek them. Rather than pushing on your business opportunity to them, it would be better to introduce it to be as an intelligent advice to them. With this kind of approach, your inbox would be full of questions and inquiries about what you have got to offer, without having to sweat too much. With the right words and technique, you'll be on your path to successful network marketing!