- We use water in a multitude of ways.case of water color and brush in water image by timur1970 from Fotolia.com
Water plays an important role on our planet, in our environment and our everyday lives. We use it for many things that are both essential and for our pure enjoyment. Water is such an integral component of our civilization that, without it, we wouldn't be able to build structures, grow food or sustain our complex lifestyles. We use water frequently in many different ways. - A large part of the water we use goes toward agricultural endeavors. This includes things such as irrigating large fields, watering orchards and pastures. It also includes applying pesticides, cooling agents and chemicals such as anti-freeze which all require water in order to be produced. Lastly, livestock and animals raised for food need water to drink. While this may seem obvious, consider that a single dairy cow, on an 80 degrees Fahrenheit day, needs nearly 30 gallons of water. That's half a bathtub.
- Factories use water on a regular basis for a myriad of activities. Most often, water is used to clean, dilute and process materials. The steel, paper, petroleum and chemical industries use an immense amount of water in the production of their goods. It may also be used to transport goods, such as sending logs down a river or sailing cargo ships an freighters.
- We've used water to power windmills, water wheels and boats for centuries. Now we're able to construct dams and use water to make electricity. One of the most famous dams is the Hoover Dam, which began producing power in 1936. Hydroelectric dams channel water through a pipe to a turbine which turns from its force, there by powering the generator. The generator produces electricity which, like that of other electrical plants, is dispersed through power lines to households and businesses.
- We use an immense amount of water in our daily lives to accomplish a variety of tasks. These include cooking, cleaning, bathing and carrying away our waste. Simply doing a load of laundry requires nearly 40 gallons of water. Each time the toilet flushes, you may use 1 to 6 gallons of water. There are also many other things, such as washing the dog, filling your pool and watering the lawn. According to the University of Minnesota, the average family of four uses just over 250 gallons per day.
- In addition to using water to live, we play in it as well. Many recreational activitiesrely on water, from fishing to kayaking, sailing and scuba diving. In the winter, water in the form of snow provides us with snowboarding, skiing, sledding and ice sculpting competitions. During the summer, we enjoy pools, water parks and backyard sprinklers to keep us cool.
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