Want to know how to cure yeast infections? They are a real pain to have to deal with, especially if you're one of the 17-26% of women who have chronic yeast infections! They totally drain you and make you miserable while you have them.
So anyway, what are some good ways of kicking that yeast in the butt? Try out these proven tips and see how they work out for you.
Watch What You Eat One way how to cure yeast infections is to watch the food you take in.
Certain foods can trigger yeast infection or make it worse.
You want to cut out all dried fruits, most dairy, mushrooms, pickled veggies and fruits as well as smoked fish and meats.
There is of course sugar as well, the main culprit which is essentially yeast food.
Yakult - Wait, What? Yakult! It's a supplement which will help introduce healthy bacteria back into your digestive system.
You need to re-colonize your body with healthy bacteria once you have a yeast infection since bacteria is yeast's worst enemy.
This will carry on over to the out of control yeast in your vaginal area as well as often times vaginal yeast infections are the result of a systemic yeast infection.
Diflucan Now this isn't something I'd suggest you try out the gate because it does have some side effects, but I'm just going to throw it out there anyway.
Take a double dose to start and after that go with 100-150mg a day.
And of course, consult your doctor for more information.
So if you wanted to know how to cure yeast infections, there you go, plenty of potent ways of treating the problem.
But if you want to completely prevent them from popping up again, you'll need to kill the yeast spores, not even store bought or prescription medications can kill these guys, you'll need to look into alternative treatments to get rid of them completely.
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