- People who can't work for a year or more due to disabilities may qualify for Social Security disability benefits, either Social Security Disability Insurance --- SSDI --- or Supplemental Security Income, also known as SSI. SSDI provides benefits for disabled people who worked and paid Social Security taxes before becoming disabled; SSI provides benefits for those who didn't work enough in the past to qualify for SSDI and who have low incomes and limited resources. Individuals can apply at the Social Security Administration office at 411 West Garden Street in Pensacola or apply online (see Resources). Disabled people also qualify for Medicare after they've qualified for Social Security disability benefits for two years. A candidate doesn't need to apply for Medicare: Information arrives in the mail once he qualifies.
- Disabled people with low incomes in Pensacola often qualify for Medicaid, which helps pay medical expenses. If a person receives Supplemental Security Income in Pensacola, she automatically qualifies for Medicaid and doesn't need to apply. Otherwise, she must apply for assistance at the Escambia County Department of Children and Families office at 8190 Pensacola Boulevard in Pensacola. A candidate may also apply online (see Resources). She'll need proof of income and verification that she is disabled, such as a Social Security disability benefits award letter or a written statement from her doctor.
- Disabled people in Pensacola may qualify for food stamps, including those individuals on Supplemental Security Income. Qualified individuals can use food stamps at area grocery stores to buy a wide variety of foods. An applicant may apply for food stamps at the same place where he applies for Medicaid: the Escambia County Department of Children and Families office at 8190 Pensacola Boulevard, or online (see Resources). A candidate can apply for both food stamps and Medicaid with one application, as long as he has proof of all household income when he applies.
- The Florida Division of Vocational Rehabilitation in Pensacola helps many people with disabilities who want to join or return to the workforce. It helps people with low income pay for job training and provides assistance with job searches and adaptive devices that disabled people may need on the job, such as special furniture, computer software, Braille printers and Teletype telephones for the deaf. Contact the office at 850-494-7152 to request assistance.
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