Society & Culture & Entertainment Music

What Does Your Guitar Strap Say About You?

Like anything in life, the guitar strap is a both a practical and fashionable accessory. Where musicians buy clothing and gear to suit their music style and band image, the guitar strap usually complements this look. Here we examine the different types of guitar straps that are available and what they say about you - the wearer!

Leather studded straps

Leather is a tough and heavy material; it is built to last and it's hard to kill. This reflects most prominently in rock and metal music where the sounds are tough and heavy, much like the guitar strap itself! Leather guitar straps as often worn by metal and rock guitarists like James Hetfield and Dave Grohl.

Colourful or tie-dye straps

These types of straps are often worn by teenagers or young adults in punky garage bands. They are colourful, optimistic and liberating. They defy convention because they don't promote anything in particular other than free will.

Promotional straps

These are for people who believe in a cause - whether that cause is fair trade, world peace or just to support your favourite band - straps that promote something are worn by more commercial thinkers, the mute opposites of the previous type.

The apathetic wearer

Despite fashion and style being so prominent in society today, especially in music, there remains a large portion of people that simply do not care about this sort of thing. These people buy plain straps; they are happy to not make a statement and blend into the background. Usually these people are very creative however, and should not be ignored.

The "kid" design

There is an expanding trend at the moment to resurrect 90's kid's shows characters such as Spongebob Squarepants and Keenan and Kel, and use them in the design of music instruments and accessories. These appeal to the younger generation and are regarded quirky by peers.
The homemade design

Some innovative individuals don't buy straps - they make their own! It is surprisingly easy to make a strap from different materials, from leather to string or pieces of rope. That said, easy as it is to make a strap, it may not feel so comfortable to wear!

There are countless other types of straps that can be pigeon-holed but we have run out of time in this article. That just leaves one question to be asked - what does your guitar strap say about you?

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