The revenue generated from forest product exports by companies in Mato Grosso state dropped 16.4% in the first quarter, compared to the same period of last year.
According to the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC) from January to March 2013, trade amounted to US$22.5 million against US$26.9 million in the same period last year,
Export volumes in the first three months of 2013 reached 28,127 tonnes, 5.33% above levels in the same period last year (26,702 tonnes).
Exports of sawnwood accounted for the largest shipments totaling 14,235 tonnes, sufficient to generate US$9.5 million. Compared to 2012, there was a decline of 7.8% in the volume exported and a 16.8% drop in revenue.
According to analysts, exports by the timber sector this year were hampered by bad road conditions especially in the north of Mato Grosso. From December 2012 to April 2013 export totaled US$80,000 but this figure should have been in the region of US$ 4-500,000. China is the main export destination for current production.
Domestic Wood Logs Prices
Brazilian logs, mill yard, domestic US$ per m3
Ip 169
Jatoba 117
Guariuba 91
Mescla (white virola) 96
Export Sawnwood Prices
Sawnwood, Belem/Paranagua Ports, FOB US$ per m3
Jatoba Green (dressed) 1,324
Cambara KD 729
Asian Market (green) Guariuba 363
Angelim pedra 850
Mandioqueira 302
Pine (AD) 220
Domestic Sawnwood Prices
Brazil sawnwood, domestic (Green) US$ per m3
Northern Mills (ex-mill) Ipe 927
Jatoba 643
Southern Mills (ex-mill) Eucalyptus (AD) 254
Pine (KD) 1st grade 237
Export Veneer Prices
Veneer, Export (Belem/Paranagua Ports) FOB US$ per m3
White Virola Face 2.5 mm 341
Pine Veneer (C/D) 240
Rotary cut Veneer, domestic US$ per m3
(ex-mill Northern Mill) Face Core
White Virola 278 228
Export Plywood Prices
Plywood Export, FOB US$ per m3
White Virola (US Market)
5.2 mm OV2 (MR) 498
15 mm BB/CC (MR) 448
White Virola (Caribbean Market)
4mm BB/CC (MR) 635
12mm BB/CC 463
Pine Plywood EU market, FOB US$ per m3
9mm C/CC (WBP) 367
15mm C/CC (WBP) 339
18mm C/CC (WBP) 337
Plywood Prices, domestic (ex-mill Southern mill) US$ per m3
Grade MR (B/BB) White Virola 4mm 806
White Virola 15mm 593
Domestic prices include taxes and may be subject to discounts.
Prices For Other Panel
Products Belem/Paranagua Ports, FOB US$ per m3
Blackboard Pine 18mm 5 ply (B/C) 417
Domestic Prices, Ex-mill, Southern Region
Blackboard White Virola faced 15mm 581
Particleboard 15mm 369
Export Prices For Added Value Products
FOB Belem/Paranagua Ports US$ per m3
Decking Boards Cambara 984
Ip 2,664
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