Many article marketers and beginning article writers face the problem of writing more articles in the same amount of time.
Here I will show you how to write an article in 20 minutes instead of 1 hour! The first thing you need to do if you want to write an article quickly is to focus on a topic you already know about.
This will allow you to write a faster article because you already have sufficient knowledge on the topic at hand.
If you don't know the topic but seriously want to write an article on it, spend a few minutes doing research.
This is easy - grab 2 or 3 articles from a Google search, read them, then write your own original article based on the ideas in the articles (this is not plagiarism; don't copy the articles word for word.
Write a brand new original article from scratch).
Now it's time to start writing your article! Think of article writing as a 3-step process.
First, you have to introduce your readers to the topic with a few simple sentences.
This will lead on to the main part of your article, where the meat of the content is.
In the body of the article (which will form 2-4 paragraphs), start writing out the main ideas, tips and strategies that your research brought you.
You can compile this into a point format (step 1, step 2 etc) to make your article easier on the eye.
Readers love to have a step-by-step plan they can easily follow to achieve results.
Once the meat of your content is finished, conclude your article with one paragraph.
This is not too difficult.
Simply summarize your article in a few sentences, or reiterate some of the important points of your article.
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