Pets & Animal Pets Fish

Healthy Pet Selection - Finding the Perfect Betta

Today I want to talk to you about an aspect of Betta fish care that is often overlooked by new owners.
Much of the time, Betta fish are given as a present, but in the event that you do get to pick out your own pet you want to know what to look for.
In this article, I'm going to go over a few things you can do and look for to ensure that you get the healthiest fish possible when picking out your pet.
First things first, let's talk about coloring.
When Betta fish undergo a lot of stress, their colors start to dull and they can turn a brownish gray color.
Fish with this type of coloring are usually unhealthy and you want to avoid them.
Instead, try looking for a Betta fish with bright, vibrant colors that appeal to you.
There are literally thousands of different colorings and patterns that a Betta fish can have, so you're bound to find a healthy one that fits what you're looking for.
Secondly, you're going to want to consider the energy level of the fish you select as well.
The fact that many of the poor fish at a pet store have to live in tiny little cups can make them lazy and lethargic, but that doesn't mean that there are not healthy fish to be found.
When selecting a Betta, pick up its cup and look for movement.
A healthy Betta fish will be alert, and turn to face you when you hold the cup up.
A fish that is listless or that sits on the bottom of the container is likely one that has already been overstressed or fallen ill and should be avoided.
On top of just selecting a healthy fish, you want to make sure that your new finned friend is a good fit for you personally.
Do you want a flashy male fish, with flowing fins? Or do you want one of the petite females, which often get disregarded by prospective buyers? You should also consider fin configurations, as different breeds exist that may be more or less appealing to you personally.
Remember, if you put some effort into caring for your Betta fish, he's going to be around for a while, so make sure you choose the pet that is right for you.
Also, once you pick out your pet and are on the way home, make sure that you do your part to reduce stress.
Make sure you double bag your Betta, and that you have a dark sack or container to place the bag inside, so the amount of lights and confusing shapes your Betta has to see on the way home is reduced.
From here, all you need to do is make sure that you have a proper tank set up and are ready to be the best Betta fish parent you can possibly be.
If you need any help with that, or are a first-time Betta owner, be sure to check out our Betta care secrets course, which outlines everything you need to know about Beta fish care.

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