Rubber truck bed mats cost so little you may think they are worth little.
In fact, the lowly rubber mat offers protection for more than just the pickup bed itself.
Check out these 5 ways an inexpensive mat offers value for very little money.
Dent Prevention Rubber bed mats are more than just rubber.
The material is a tough blend of materials no more just rubber than tires are just rubber.
One of the tricks to toughness is the cord included in the material.
That cord makes the mats harder to tear and harder to damage.
This material becomes one big shock absorber to soak up most any impact and protect the surfaces underneath from any dents.
Not only does the rubber take the shock of hits, it spreads the impact out to a larger area, further reducing the chances of an impact producing a dent.
What you still must watch are impacts to wheel wells, since mats only protect the bottom of the bed.
Stop Scratches Too Any kind of bed liner beats nothing to prevent scratches that result from just the most casual use of a truck.
Even hauling groceries can result in scratches.
The trouble is that the bed liner may prevent scratches but the liner takes the damage instead.
In the case of spray on coatings, over time the expensive liner may be really torn apart.
That damage is reparable by respraying of course.
But who needs the hassle of getting a recoat of an already expensive coating? In many cases, just keeping an expensive spray liner covered with a cheap rubber mat solves most of the damage problems on the much more expensive coating.
And in many cases the rubber hardly ever even shows any wear.
Rubber just soaks up hits with no apparent harm at all.
The Skid Stops Here Firstly, cargo will hardly move when place on corded rubber material.
Secondly, the mat will not slide on the bed underneath it either.
What you get then is a cargo that stays put and a mat that does too.
Someone suggested upon seeing my mat in my truck for the first time that it should be glued down.
Not so.
It won't go anywhere and it's easy ans fast to remove for cleaning.
Likely A One Time Purchase The mats take all kinds of hard use with no apparent harm.
Hits get soaked up.
Scratches are invisible if they even happen at all.
You probably couldn't tear one if you tried.
Chemicals mostly do nothing to them at all.
Greasy, grimy, filthy loads do no harm at all and just require simple clean-up.
Most likely one mat for one truck will be all you ever need.
Almost For Nothing What seals the deal is the low cost.
Rubber bed mats cost so little it's nearly a joke.
For roughly a tenth the cost of a professional spray on liner, you get protection that is harder to damage, absorbs impacts better, and keeps cargo put better than any other.
They make sense for protection of expensive bed liners as well as protection for the bed itself.
Rubber truck bed mats protect from impact damage and scratches as well or better than any other liner option.
For nearly nothing get easily installed, easily removed protection for pickup bed and also for much more expensive liners as well.