The e-Legacy Awards is a competition held by Electronic Product Design magazine for companies in the electronic industries to exhibit their electronic advancements. Any company can nominate a product that they have designed and developed themselves. The awards are a great opportunity for companies to show the electronics industry what they can achieve.
Electronic Product Design magazine was launched in 1980 and is the UK's best read monthly electronics design magazine. The e-Legacy Awards are in their 5th year, and have reported a record number of entries this year despite the economic climate. Judges are made up of representatives from their sponsors, industry experts and EPD's editorial team and they have already undertaken the difficult job of sifting through all of the applicants and hand picking the finalists.
The e-Legacy Awards are split into eight categories including The EM&T Green Manufacturing Award, Investment in Education and Training and Alternative Energy to name just a few. The finalists are divided into these categories so that voters can clearly see which electronic advancements the products feature.
Winners of the e-Legacy Awards are chosen on a voting system. Voters are asked to visit the Electronic Product Design magazine website and vote on one finalist in each of the 8 categories. The winners of the e-Legacy Awards will be announced at the Presentation Luncheon at the Kensington Roof Gardens on Tuesday 13th September.
Sequoia Technology are a finalist in the 'Medical Advancements' category with their SMS Printer unit. The SMS Printer is part of the system to allow central HIV test laboratories to print test results directly in any African rural clinic with GSM network coverage. The SMS printer is a relatively simple unit but it is making a huge difference to the lives of people in Mozambique and it is saving lives by significantly reducing test result waiting times, which means that life saving medication can be given at a time when it can save lives. The SMS Printer has proven to be so successful that it is also being installed into Kenya, Botswana and Zimbabwe and other countries.
Sequoia Technology is up against some impressive competition in the Medical Advancement category including Analog Devices', ON Semiconductor's and Plessey Semiconductor.
Your votes are important in selecting the winning medical advancement. Winners are selected on votes alone now, so every vote counts. And if you feel that there is a clear winner you need to express this by casting your vote.
As a thank you for taking the time to vote, Electronic Product Design magazine are entering voters into a prize draw to win an Ansmann Racing mad-rat remote control car with a prize value of just under three hundred pounds.
The e-Legacy Awards offer a unique opportunity for electronics companies and designers to receive recognition of their work and their contribution to electronic advancements.
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