Health & Medical Women's Health

Breastfeeding is a Commitment - 9 Wonderful Benefits of Choosing Breastfeeding

Here are a few of the wonderful benefits of breastfeeding for your baby ...
and You! Breastfeeding is Eco-Friendly - Protects the Environment: Breastfeeding saves food resources, fuel, and energy - no chemicals or packaging required!  It comes in attractive containers and the cat can't get it.
Breastfeeding can Save on Orthodontic Bills: The sucking motion/action, which is different to that of a bottle nipple, enhances mandible and facial development.
Breastfeeding usually Delays the Return of Menstruation after Childbirth: Meaning less discomfort, reduced expense of buying sanitary products, and the absence of premenstrual mood swings - for a while, at least.
Breastfeeding is like a Daily Vaccination: Breast milk is a living fluid containing healthy bacteria, antibodies, white blood cells, anti-microbials, and cell wall protectors.
  It also contains proteins that offer protection against bacteria and viruses.
  Proteins contain essential amino acids that assist in the repair and regeneration of tissues.
Breastfeeding Helps you Lose Fat Stored during Pregnancy more Quickly: Which means that you will regain your pre-pregnancy shape more quickly without stringent diets.
Breastfeeding is also related to a reduced incidence of obesity later in life, and conveys protection against Type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, ovarian cancer, and pre-menopausal breast cancer.
Breastfeeding Your Baby Girl: You can reduce her risk of developing breast cancer later in life by 25 percent.
  Since breastfeeding also lowers your own risk of breast cancer, you could be saving TWO lives! Breastfeeding Your Baby For More Than Six Months: Children contract one-third the number of inner ear infections in the first three years of life than formula fed babies, the incidence of allergies is reduced sevenfold, and infants are also protected against bacterial meningitis in their first five years.
Breastfeeding Can Reduce the Risks of Serious Disorders: Such as insulin-dependent diabetes, childhood lymphoma, multiple sclerosis, and chronic liver diseases.
Breastfeeding is Good for Postpartum Recovery, Too: Hormones released while breastfeeding (prolactin and oxytocin) cause your uterus to contract and involute so it can return to pre-pregnancy size, which means you will also experience less postpartum bleeding/lochial flow.
Moms and Moms-To-Be ~ Give yourself a gigantic pat on the back if you have made the commitment to breastfeed!

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