Let me guess? You found a few places online that told you in order to receive high rankings in Google or any other search engine, you have to find high page rank sites.
In fact, you want to get the highest page rank there is, 10.
Let me tell you a little bit about page rank and why you shouldn't worry about it too much.
Page Rank is a system that Google started in order to rank sites based on authority.
This means that if Google likes these types of sites, they would give them a higher PR and more trust would be exchanged.
Although this is great, Google has recently changed its mind about the entire Page Rank system.
Here is a quote straight from Google themselves.
Q: My site's PageRank has gone up / gone down / not changed in months! A: Don't worry.
In fact, don't bother thinking about it.
We only update the PageRank displayed in Google Toolbar a few times a year; this is our respectful hint for you to worry less about PageRank, which is just one of over 200 signals that can affect how your site is crawled, indexed and ranked.
PageRank is an easy metric to focus on, but just because it's easy doesn't mean it's useful for you as a site owner.
If you're looking for metrics, we'd encourage you to check out Analytics, think about conversion rates, ROI (return on investment), relevancy, or other metrics that actually correlate to meaningful gains for your website or business.
" http://www.
com Looking for high page rank sites for a long period of time may not be the best answer when it comes to ranking in the search engines.
Not only will you become frustrated because you will not find any, but your rankings may not increase as fast as you thought.
So here are a few tips that you should use when looking for sites to link to.
1) Will you receive traffic from the link you created 2) Does your link provide value to people so that they will leave a comment or come back to your blog again 3) Is it somehow related to your niche.
(It doesn't have to be, but it makes sense) 4) Where will people see your link, so they can start posting it on other forums (viral marketing) Thsee are just a few ways that you can increase your rankings in the SERPS and also driver a large amount of visitors to your site.
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