Health & Medical Nutrition

Liquid Nutrition

I'm sure you've heard it said before that prevention is the best medicine.
That is so true.
If you could protect your health by taking care of yourself now and by feeding your body the proper nutrients, wouldn't you want to do so? Did you know that you can strengthen your immune system and be less likely to get sick from just doing a few simple things? I have found that by simply supplementing my diet with a daily dose of a liquid vitamin; which includes minerals, mangosteen, aloe and green tea, has made a huge difference in my health and in the way I feel on a consistent basis.
You may ask why I suggest liquid verses the traditional tablet.
The answer lies in the way it is absorbed by your body.
According to Physicians Desk Reference (PDR), liquids are absorbed at a rate of 98 percent.
Typically only ten to twenty percent of a traditional tablet is absorbed by the body.
The other 80 percent is flushed through your system and then flushed down the toilet.
Keeping that in mind and the high cost of vitamins, that is a lot of money being flushed down the drain! In a perfect world, it would be nice to say that if we just ate the right foods, we would get all the vitamins and minerals we need.
I wish that were true.
Unfortunately many of the foods that reach our tables cannot meet our nutritional needs anymore.
Many of our foods are depleted of certain nutrients due to over farming of our soil and other modern farming practices.
By the time it reaches us and then we cook the goodness right out of it, there is no nutritional value left in it.
That is if we cook it in the first place.
Most of us in this modern age, with our crazy fast paced lifestyles, eat way too much fast food on the go.
Therefore, it is critical that we supplement our diets to help fill in the obvious nutritional gaps.
Vitamins and minerals are essential for our health and well being, and will help to prevent certain diseases.
Did you know that 95% of your body's daily functions depend on minerals? Dr.
Linus Pauling, Nobel Prize Winner states that "nearly every disease can be linked to a mineral deficiency.
" That is an incredible piece of knowledge to have.
Can you see now why it is so important to make sure we get these vitamins and minerals into our system? If we can prevent certain diseases before they start, then we should make every effort to do so.
My suggestion would be to start taking care of your body while it is still healthy.
Don't wait until it is too late.
Take a daily, supplemental, liquid multivitamin, exercise and get plenty of rest.
Don't forget that prevention is the best medicine.

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