There are some well known standards, regarding the make up and structure of a good piece of writing for publication.
That being said, there are no strict rules about just how you should go about creating these articles, which you hope people will want to read.
What is obvious, is that any article or web-content should contain some useful and valuable information for your audience.
One would also expect to find, near the close of the piece, a recommendation of some kind.
This is usually the primary motivation behind the creation of this type of writing.
The 'call to action' is where the writer exercises influence and could reasonably expect to reap somekind of reward.
This might be in the form of a purchase, or seeking further information and so moving the reader along a 'sales funnel'.
In order to have been successful in carrying the reader this far, our writer will have needed to first of all catch someone's eye.
To this end, a clever and appropriate headline is worth its weight in gold.
Immediately following the effective title, the readers should have had their interest piqued further, with an introduction, explaining briefly what will be the benefits of reading right through this particular article.
While there is good reason for your content to follow the logical progression, from beginning, to middle, to end, there is no need at all for them to be created in that order.
I well remember a technique which I learned as a student and it serves me well now, as a regular writer of articles.
The idea was to make a list of all the points which would be necessary, to put across the argument which was being presented.
This was back in the days before word processing, so the paper was then cut into pieces, each containing one main point.
These small bits of paper could then be moved into any order which made the most sense.
This of course is so much easier now, using cut-and-paste, but the same simple idea can still be used to great effect.
So, while it might appear correct to work, in time order, on your title, introduction, main body and conclusion, there is no need at all for them to be created in any particular order.
As long as they are all there eventually, you can allow your creative juices free rein, to build your article in any order which works best for your particular style.
These ideas have worked very well for me, and so has getting some good guidance and coaching, at the time I needed it You, like me, might not be a born writer, but with time and effort, there is world of opportunity out there.
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