- 1). Highlight a comment. Take something one of your readers said in reaction to one of your posts and expand on it. Start your post by referencing your original post (complete with hyperlink) and highlight what the reader said in the comment section of that post by using the exact quotation. Finish with your thoughts about that comment.
- 2). Interview a commenter. If you notice that one of your readers is someone important in the industry--whether big time or small fry--drop her a private email, along with a few questions you’d like answered for your blog. Explain that that you were intrigued by her accomplishments and want to highlight her on your blog. You should also agree to have the interview posted within a certain number of days after receiving her answers.
- 3). Spotlight a commenter. Show one of your regular readers that you value his presence. If the commenter is in the same industry, it’ll be easy to tie the post into the theme of your blog: Highlight his accomplishments and send your readers to check out his blog, website or e-store. If your commenter is just starting out in your industry, or simply someone who enjoys reading up on your subject, highlighting him may be a little more difficult, but not impossible. Find out why he’s interested in your industry and how it relates to his life or business.
- 4). Write a roundup post. Visit the blogs of those readers who left you comments over the past week, find a commonality between their posts, and write a roundup post that introduces your readers to those posts. Write a one paragraph introduction, link directly to those posts you want to highlight, and provide a short recap of the post. You can also write a roundup post that simply highlights the commenters of your blog by stating something like, “Check out what my readers have been up to” and listing their hyperlinked blog titles, along with a short description of their blogs.
- 5). Write a new post based on an idea you received from a comment left on your blog. You don’t have to reference the commenter or the comment if you simply want to tackle a new topic. Write about that subject and then post it to your blog.