Simple Animal Marks for a rainy day You'll need paper plates, narrow elastic, paint, feathers, pipe cleaners, cardboard, glue as well as scissors and staples.
Each child should decide what animal they want to have on their mask.
Measure and cut the elastic for each child's mask.
The mask should stay on but not be squashing their nose flat! Fix it on.
Either use strong tape or staples to fix the elastic at opposite sides of the paper plate.
Cut out eye shapes and a mouth hole.
For very small children draw in the eyes and mouth shapes for them to colour in.
Older children will manage this bit, or sketch it on lightly in pencil so they can draw the lines themselves.
They can glue on extra shapes for ears.
Colour in the masks using paint, pens or crayons.
If using paint you should leave it to dry before doing any extra decoration.
Let the children use their imagination when it comes to adding extra sparkle! They can add features, bits of wool or string for manes or fur, as well as adding pipe cleaners for whiskers.
If you don't have any pipe cleaners (available from craft shops) then you can use bits of wool or string.
If you dip them in PVA glue and then hang them up overnight they will dry solid and stiff and will be good as whiskers.
Be prepared for someone wanting to make an elephant mask! You'll need a kitchen roll tube or two loo rolls for the trunk.
Fix them on and if using the kitchen roll then bend it in the middle a bit so it droops.
If you have loo rolls then stick it together at an angle and then fix to the middle of the mask.
Use masking tape you use for decorating normally as it's easier to get the paint to stick too! When the glue has all dried the children can wear their masks and you can tell stories about all the animals and let them make the noises of the animal they have on their mask! Children love making things and masks are very simple and easy to make.
You can then invent other games to play whilst the children wear their masks! Games like "What's the Time Mr Wolf?" can be turned into "What's the time Mr Lion?".
Just think of the games they like to play and give them a jungle twist! Musical statues becomes musical animals.
A little imagination can turn ordinary games into tons of fun!
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