Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How to Tell She Likes You - 2 Sets of Behaviors You Just Must Understand

Women are known to be mysterious creatures.
Some people think they are this way because of evolution, that it served them to hide their emotions and use their minds to their advantages as females.
It's crazy how many guys just don't even understand women let alone how to talk to them and read their body language! Nevertheless if you take the time to really understand and appreciate women you can begin to see exactly what's going on.
Most of the time...
Imagine for a second everything she does is either an indicator of interest, or an indicator of disinterest.
IOI: Looking you in the eye, making facial expressions that are nice to look at.
Body aligned to you positively.
Doesn't respond 100% IOD: Looking elsewhere more than normal.
doesn't continue conversation Keep in mind, like reading body language, you can't obsess about it or you'll make.
You take everything as a whole.
5 IOI and 5 IOD could mean a lot of things.
Usually things are much more obvious If you are getting more bad signals, it doesn't mean it's over.
It just means that you need to cause her to associate you with something positive.
Something that is alignment with her vision of someone she can respond positively to.
The biggest thing women tell me is that guys just don't get it...
Where are all the real men? Women communicate much more effectively with their body language.
Learn this skill and you're miles ahead! The most important things are to use your intuition and to get her to associate you with all the good things you'd want her to!

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