If you are still uncertain about investing in solar power, we hope this list of advantages of do it yourself solar power will help change your opinion.
The advantages are not only related to your personal benefits but also to the greater good of humanity.
As a solar power user, you can reduce the electricity bills by 75% of what you are paying now.
Any increase in electricity prices will not affect you as solar energy is free.
A solar power panel made at home will cost a fraction of what you will pay to a professional solar panel installer, a staggering amount of more than $20,000.
Spend less than 1/40th of the amount by installing your own solar panels.
If you are a resident of the USA then you can receive tax discounts for building DIY solar power panels.
Tax discounts means rebates and tax credits on residential solar power installation.
In fact, the amount you receive from the US government as tax benefit will cover your cost of solar panel installation.
In you are a non - US resident then enquire with the state authority if the same benefit is available to the citizens of your country.
Solar energy panels need little or no maintenance and with proper installation, they can last for a minimum of 20 years.
So, 20 years of free energy is not a bad deal at all.
You can harness the sunlight to use with every appliance at home.
Solar power energy will help to save the environmental problems like global warming and excessive dependence on natural resources.
Yes, the sun is also a natural source of energy but it will not deplete in the next thousands of year and the energy is renewable as compared to non - renewable sources of energy like fossil fuels.
By utilizing the solar energy to power your home, you are actually reducing the level of global warming.
Become a community example in your area by installing solar panels.
Your neighbors will learn from you.
They will realize how going 'green' is the least they can do to protect the earth and along the way, it will help save money as well.
You save the world from increasing environmental pollution.
Although installing the panels means some degree of environmental pollution but that's about it.
It is completely pollution free to use and requires less maintenance.
Only disadvantage - The only disadvantage of solar power for use in residential neighborhoods is that the solar energy is not available at night.
Also, when there is cloud cover, there is less energy output.
However, this disadvantage can be overcome if you use energy storage systems.
The storage systems are of three types - passive energy collectors, focusing energy collectors and flat - plate energy collectors.
Do It Yourself solar power is the best for producing electrical energy.
Not only does it prove to be economical for the person but it also helps the environment in a number of ways.
Solar power is the power of the future.
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