Eating too little amount of medicine will not have enough strength to cure our sickness Eating too much will cause intoxication to our body Eating wise and moderately will most likely cure us Lacking of confidence will cause worries and problems to our life Being over confident will cause us to be arrogant and hated Being wise and moderately confident will most likely avoid us problems and hatred by others Working too hard will cause us stress Being too lazy will not give us success Working wise and moderately will most likely avoid us stress and bring us success Giving too much love to a person will cause the person to perceive us as easy person, eventually unappreciated and bore on us Giving too little love to a person will cause the person giving up on us Giving moderate love wisely to a person will most likely receive the love back to us Having too much imagination will bring us hallucinations or delusions Having too little imagination will not bring us innovations Imagine wisely and moderately will most likely avoid us hallucinations or delusions and bring us innovations Being too kind hearted will cause others to take advantage on us Being too cruel will cause others to dislike us Being wise and kind will most likely not be taken advantaged and disliked.
Being too open minded will cause the evil one to manipulate us easily Being too close minded will cause the kind and wise one not able to guide or reach us Being wise and moderately open minded will most likely not be manipulated and will still let the kind and wise one to reach or guide us.
Loving ourselves too much will cause selfishness or narcissism Loving ourselves too little will harm us Loving ourselves moderately and wisely will most likely avoid selfishness and harm on us Making too much mistakes will make our life miserable Making no mistakes will not teach us anything about the lesson of life and hence experience Making mistake unintentionally, moderately and wisely will most likely avoid us the miserable life and will teach us the lesson of life.
- Inspired by personal experience
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