- Job clubs can be formal or informal. Informal clubs meet at an agreed-upon location, while formal clubs are sponsored by local workforce development agencies; both have designated facilitators. Clubs are composed of any number of like-minded people or friends who help each other meet the challenges of finding a job or changing careers.
- Job club leaders assist members with mock interviews, brainstorming, researching labor market trends and the job search process. Members learn how to write resumes, cover letters and critique them in a supportive atmosphere. Members also share job leads and referrals, share inventory skills and set benchmarks.
- Job club facilitators have good communication skills and the ability to work with unemployed and vulnerable people. They have experience in group facilitation, knowledge of job search techniques, the labor market and local communities. People with degrees in career development, human resources, social services, counseling or teaching make effective facilitators.
- Douglas College offers a one-week leadership certificate training program. Civic organizations, universities and local workforce development agencies may sponsor workshops. Toastmaster International also trains and develops emerging leaders.
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