Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

Ab Circle Pro Customer Reviews -- Does This Ab Machine Work?

Looking for real Ab Circle Pro reviews from actual customers? There really aren't that many out there. But I've spent hours researching information about this extremely popular abdominal strengthening machine. I've even used it myself several times. Here's a quick review that's fair and balanced...

A Real Ab Circle Pro Review

The Ab Circle is a very unique exercise machine. It has a lot of benefits. But it also has its share of problems. First off, I will say this: if you use this machine in the right way and you also follow a quality diet and exercise plan, it can be very effective. After just a few weeks of use you can really tone and tighten your abdominal muscles. In fact, if use properly you can tone your entire "core" area as well as your arms, shoulders, triceps, chest, thighs, etc.

Most people who use the Ab Circle Pro consistently get very strong ab muscles after just a few weeks. But they don't generally get those defined "washboard" six-packs like the fitness models have in the commercials. That's because they have a layer of fat covering the belly, and the Ab Circle really isn't a great fat-burning cardio machine. What it is is a good strength-training machine that works the entire body -- and especially the tummy area -- very efficiently.

This product is great for people with back and neck problems because it requires no stretching or straining of the back. In fact it offers one of the few effective ab workouts that doesn't require you to round your back or risk injury.

As good as the Ab Circle Pro is, it's got some big problems. Simply put, it's not as well built as it should be. Of course, for only 200 dollars we shouldn't expect a true "gym quality" machine. Still, the low-quality compents (especially the plastic parts) leave a lot to be desired. The good news is that the company that markets this product will apparently send you new parts if you need them, especially the very important ones like the rollers, which support most of your weight when you're working out on the gadget.

If you have your own Ab Circle Pro reviews, please visit the blog below and share your useful comments and testimonials with the world...

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