Chances are if you made it here then you aren't entirely happy with your job situation.
Maybe you have a nagging boss, a stressful job, or, due to the economy, you're out of work right now.
Regardless of the situation, the reality is that more and more people all around the world are turning to the internet to make a living...
and not just a minimum wage salary, you can make 6 figures a year.
This may sound crazy to someone who grew up in a 9-5 state of mind, however, with over 1,500,000,000 unique internet users, you will be working within the largest "market" in the world.
Of course, this article isn't going to go on and on about how easy it is to get rich quick online because quite frankly it isn't.
Don't let this discourage you however, all it means is that just like any other job, you need to be dedicated to what you are doing.
Of course, having your own hours and your own deadlines helps a lot with this.
One of the easiest and most proven ways to make money is by promoting other products and earning affiliate commission on any sales.
The ideology behind affiliate marketing is to connect people looking for information to a product that will provide that information.
In this way, the producer of the product is happy to get business, the user looking for information is happy when directed to a high quality product, and finally, you are happy because you made up to 75% on the sale.
Of course, this is a simplified version of what you will be doing, however, with the right plan it really is as easy as dedicating time and wanting to succeed.